Saturday, October 23, 2010

it's good to be back!

Woo and hoo. I have finally returned to blogland and to my creative mojo.  And just WHERE have I been I hear you ask?  Well let me tell you... I've been work.  Yeah, that's the work.  No really I do have a sort of excuse, I've been sick.  Okay, it was only for four days.  So what have I been doing the rest of the three weeks?  That would be a big, fat nothing creative and inky-wise. Yes, sad to say I've had a bad case of the "I don't want to/I'm not going to/You can't make me's".   Happily, that seems to have waned and now I'm back to my "normal" normal as I ever get at least... self.  So here is my contribution to making the world a more inky place with my Compendium Challenge entry #18.  We've got a fabulous Tattered Angels spider web and Penny Black spider...who is wearing glasses, seriously, how can you not love a glasses-wearing spider?!?... and some jack o' lanterns and bats.  The background is inked with Dried Marigold, Spiced Marmalade, Peeled Paint, and a little Vintage Photo.  The jacks were stamped directly onto the tag and then colored with Copics and then I added some Sakura 3-D lacquer to the eyes and mouths, here is a closer-up pic:
Well, you can sorta see the shiny-ness.  A little.  It's much shinier and 3-D in real life.  I also put some silver  lacquer on the spider's glasses.  I don't even like spiders, but this little guy is too cute.  Looks like he's going to ask you if you've read any good books lately.  Or something.  Have a great rest of the weekend, I will try not to be gone for three more weeks...

I'm off to play with Glimmer mist!


  1. My this is such an adorable tag . Love those pumpkins and the glasses on the spider is too cute. good luck in the challenge

  2. Love this tag! The pumpkins look great stamped directly onto the tag - I love how you can see the resist through them, too. Fabulous work. And you know what? The mojo-stealing winds must have been blowing through NC - I've lost mine somewhere, too, and I'm in Cary, right outside Raleigh, lol! Glad you're feeling crafty again.... I'm trying... trying... ;)

  3. that spider is so cute...the glasses really make it unique.

  4. Great tag! the dabber resist works really well with the spider web. I love the spider, too cute.

  5. Becky, I've missed you! I understand, though-- sometimes, you just need a break. I think it's good for our creative selves to take time to just "be" and not "do" sometimes, and I applaud you for recognizing when you needed a little down time.

    But, I did miss you, anyway, and I'm so happy that you're back and ROCKING the CCC with your talent again! What a cool little Halloween tag! Your dabber resist-ed web is fabulous, and, oh yeah, the glasses-wearing spider is absolutely irresistible! And, wow, does that 3D lacquer ever look awesome on the pumpkins! Great idea!

    I hope you have a great week, and that we get to see you again for CCC 19!

  6. Spooktacular tag! I love all your spooky images!


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