Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Onlinecardclasses Background Check: Inked Plaid

As promised (or threatened, whichever way you choose to take it...) here is the plaid one.  I used the Brushstrokes background stamp from SU! and two shades of gray inks- Archival Watering Can and Stayz-On Dove Gray.  Not digging the big gap where I failed to line up the stamp, and the lines faded out there a little too much but I figure I will cover that up with a sentiment or something later.  The inks on top are all Distress- Abandoned Coral (which is covering up the SU! Tangelo Twist that I originally put on there), Fossilized Amber, Cracked Pistachio (covering the original Twisted Citron-hey covering up the ink worked once, right?), and Mermaid Lagoon.  I'm thinking it would be fun to do some masking and inking right on the stamp combined with some masking and inking on the card stock too.  Might be a tad harder to line up, but wonky plaid is still plaid, right?  :)

Onlinecardclasses Background Check: Retro Resist

Oh my goodness.  Day two project on day two.  WHAAAT?!!!  You know how you find all these new, shiny techniques and all the old ones just kind drift off to the back of your mind and sit there all sad and unloved?  No? Just me then?  Oh, okay.  :) This is the perfect example.  How could I forget this great technique?  It is so much fun and really cool looking too.  I didn't really choose the best background stamp to show off the tech, but I like it, it makes me happy and it is above all else PURPLE.  Sorry, there was just a smidge of "so there" in that comment.  Apologies.  But it is purple.  And awesome.  Heh. Well, SU! Blackberry Bliss to be exact.  :)  This was only my second attempt I know, amazing, right?!?  using a text stamp from Wendy Vecchi and a cover-a-card stamp from Impression Obsession.  And I like it.  Again with the "so there" tone.  Sorry!  Heh.  The first try is interesting...same background text but the top stamp is the logs cover-a-card and instead of the text appearing in the back of the logs, it looks like they are in front. Probably couldn't do it again if I tried.  Well, maybe, I think it is that the logs don't cover enough of the text.  But I like it anyway.  Yay!  A two for two liking! And I may be back a little later with the plaid stamping- I have a stripy background that will either be super cool or super, well, not cool.  Will let you know...here is the logs and text sample.
Thanks for stopping by!  Oh, what do you think about the chicken wire frame thingy I have the samples displayed on?  Good?  Bad?  Too distracting?  Sparkly paper in the background making your eyes water?

Monday, July 27, 2015

OnlineCardClasses- Background Check

Heyla to blogland!  It is day one of the Background Check class at Online card classes and was it a doozy!  I managed to make ONE of the billionty  (okay really 10, but still...) background samples from today.  PLUS I am actually putting it in the gallery!  WOOT!  Go me!  I haven't put anything in the gallery since the first classes I took!  So excited! Hopefully I will keep up with class this time, at least I did one sample, right?  That is better than none which is my usual thing with class.  Watch the videos and make the stuff about a month after class is over.  Sigh.  I blame that work thing.  I would have SO much more energy if I could just skip that work thing and stay home and stamp.  Well, actually, I know me and I would probably just end up watching movies and shows on Netflix (streaming is great...for making me lose track of time and binge watch everything...) or reading, or watching the class videos and making the projects two months later...Heh.  Yeah, let's be realistic here.  :)
This is the VersaMark on inked background.  I used SU! inks and as you can see the stamping turns darker, just like VersaMark on CS.  Pretty, but I think I have to snag me some of the inks that Jennifer used, those were amazing.  Don't know where I will put them, but let's worry about THAT later.   If you want to find out about it, head over and register for the class- it is TOTALLY worth it (they didn't pay me to say that or anything, I just really love these classes)!  Just don't ask me how many times I took the picture of the background.  LOTS.  And it is still a little off.  But it is less blurry.  Really.  Look, just trust me on this one, okay?    Perhaps I need to take a using-the-stupid-camera class...  thanks for stopping by, happy stamping!  :)