Saturday, January 29, 2011

"A long story filled with sighs."

So here's my long story.  You can supply the sighs.  Trust me, they will be needed.  Compendium challenge #29.  One main ingredient: acrylic paint.  No worries!  I've got a bottle of Ranger Lake Mist, never been used so it's time to pull it out.  Hey, this bottle feels weird.  No worries, it'll be fine once I shake it.  Shaking... hmmm, still feels weird.  Dab bottle on scrap paper.  Nothing. ...sigh... Dab some more, a little harder.  Still nothing.  Squeeze gently hey- why is this so hard to squeeze? Open bottle, find a beautiful bottle shaped mass of completely dried paint. ...sigh...  But, no worries, I've got a bottle of Ranger Cloudy Blue, that'll be just as nice ...sigh... yep, it's dried up too.  Not as badly as the lake Mist, but it means I'd have to scoop out the solidified junk to get to the little at the bottom...sigh... not happening.  So now there's worries.  I've got Pool, but that just doesn't say "I could be weathered wood" to me.  Root around in the back of the box.  Orange?  Um, no.  Yellow?  Not.  Well, there's some ivory, let's try that.  Now to cut and emboss my grunge... and here's a friendly tip, cut the shape out first then use the embossing folder on the shape...sigh...yep, three hanging signs later I get it right.  From there on it's a breeze.

Stampin' Up Baja Breeze card stock, one of Tim's styled labels for a money pocket-fancied up with a dash of Baja Breeze,Peach Parfait and Not Quite Navy ink plus some Vintage Photo thrown 'round the edges for good measure  and a Stampin' Up sentiment (oooh, now I can enter this in the Sunday Stamper too, there is a sentiment...but no journey.  Maybe not. hehe)  So at least it was eventually a success.  Plus I got to use a quote from the movie "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" for my title so I guess it wasn't a total loss!  Now off I go to stamp something else that should have been done about a month ago, oh well.  Happy stamping!  And just btw, for those of you noticing types, not only was my WOYWW picture old, the post was also a day late!  On the ball I am not.

1 comment:

  1. Great cards, Becky! I'm sorry you had such a tough time with your paints. I love the Adirondack Dabbers, but they do dry out pretty easily. I've begun opening my every couple of weeks and stirring in a little water if they're starting to gum up.

    In spite of your paint woes, you did a fabulous job on the weathered wood grunge! You REALLY made that little sign look like wood! And your money pocket piece is darling. What a great design to use for the upcoming graduation season!


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