Wednesday, April 6, 2011, really it's not an old picture... desk is truly covered in unmounted stamps again.  I'm still in the process of getting them all painted with Tack-It Over and Over glue.  Still have Christmas, leaves, and the one with random... um, "stuff" in it.  I think I have too many stamps. (no, say it ain't so!) At least hubby thinks so.  And yes I am a total nerd and they are all organized by type, all the flowers together, all the food together, all the leaves, all backgrounds, etc.

...well except for that "stuff" one.  But that one is labeled with what all is in there.  I mean really, in which category do you put a lawnmower stamp?  Or light posts?  Or masks? Or a work glove? (yes, one single work glove...grab bags, gotta love the randomness!) Or... okay, you get the idea.  But it is easier to find what I'm looking for!  ...ooh that reminds me of a song, except in the song they didn't find what they're looking for.  Should've put it in categories...and who else is singing now?  And just so you know, yes, my individual word stamps are in alphabetical order.  Can we say OCD?  I think we can.

So in the spirit of 'Why is she showing us this again?!?"  you also get a peek of my new Cricut/Big Shot table (with trash can conveniently located right there, no more walking around the end of the shelves to throw out the itty bitty leftovers!).  A two-for-one kind of deal just for you!  If you're wondering the awesome table (that folds up so it can be only the width of the section with shelves) is from Jo-Ann's.  Where there is also a whole new section of NEW stamps...  All righty then, off to peruse the desks to see actual workspaces in use for the fun crafty bits, not the boring organizing bits.  Hop over the pond to the Lovely Julia, Queen of Desks and join in on the snoopy fun!  ooh, did I mention that I'll be across the pond myself in a week and 4 days?  No?  Well I will be!  Going with my sister's AP English class for a tour of London and Scotland.  Woo and Hoo.  So UK peeps, where in London do I go to stock up on crafty goodness?  Free Smiley Courtesy of


  1. Awesome looking desk and work space! Looks like a serious place to do some crafting! Lots of fun things there. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #88

  2. Have a great trip - you could go to Blade Rubber in London - close to the British Museum if you go there too (i.e it's a good excuse!) Here is a link to their website

  3. We never admit to having too much stash if there is the slightest chance that those of a non-scrapping tendency could hear it... and use it against us when we least want them to!! LOL Your narrow desk for the cricut and big shot is ace, even got shelves to put stuff away!! Have a lovely trip... not sure about stash shops in London but might not like the price comparisons over the pond... ;)

  4. Now, I never thought of organising my stamps by type. Love your desk - plenty to peek at and I can see that lots of your equipment is stored handily right in front of you. Elizabeth x #108

  5. Love your OCD stamps - I am going to be organising mine soon - thanks for visiting me x

  6. A lawnmower that's interesting. I have not come across one of those before. Have fun!
    Sue xx 82


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