Friday, May 13, 2011

woyww...two days later...or almost three if you're in the UK...

I was going to post this last night (Thursday) when it would have been only a day late.  But our friend blogger must have been out on a bender 'cause he wouldn't let me.  Let me warn you, the desk is not for the faint of heart this week, it is an unholy mess. Well the left side and back at the top right.  I do have a space in the center.  But probably not for long.
I've actually been working!  Making the cards for my challenge group-which is what you see there in the center.  But only the back, 'cause they haven't seen it yet so it's only fair.  If I remember I'll post it on Sunday night or Monday.  The mess contains scraps of paper, whole sheets of card stock (I couldn't decide which color to use as the base so just got all 6 of our allowed colors out) that are stacked on top of who knows what- oh I do!  The serendipity squares that I was originally going to use on the cards.   I did the fronts for all five cards and then couldn't make the inside happen.  So after waiting for three days and still nothing was happening on the inside that was what I wanted, I ripped them all apart.  At least I did save the squares and the idea is (for now) still in my head.  Maybe it'll come together later.  So there's ribbon bits and buttons and brads and ink pads (top right under the in stitches mat) and ink applicators and scissors, and stamps and probably the Lost Ark of the Covenant is in there somewhere.  The picture does not do the pile on the left justice.  I'm pretty sure Jimmy Hoffa is under there.  But work has been done and art has been accomplished!  Now to make the other 4 cards... maybe I'll just lark about among the desks instead... click here to be transported to the lovely Julia, Duchess of Desks to find out what I'm on about.  :)


  1. h that's me Becky - I've only managed three cards this week and two of them are pulled apart waiting for attention right now! Argh! Is that a clock in the making behind the folder of stamps? Impressive storage by the way...your desk isn't nearly as bad as you think!

  2. love your work space - we are lucky to have an Ikea just an hour away - love the House Mouse card you have put above this post - have a great week


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