Thursday, April 2, 2015

So I've been away...

a looooong time.  But I am back to show you some new storage and it rocks! 
I love the storage options available from Stamp-n-Storage!  And before you ask, no, I don't work for them, but I wish I did!  I have, starting on the bottom left, the old style lock down punch holder, the Slim ink pad holder (72) and the Standard holder (60).  On top of that from the left is the new lock down punch holder (and it is amazing!  The SU! tag topper punches or large border punches (like the stars and hearts) will fit in the center row and the other punches will fit anywhere!  In the old holder you could only put the two smaller sizes in the top and bottom rows.), then there is the Petite ink holder (48) and in it are the MINI DISTRESS PADS!!!  Woot!!  Now they aren't in a box!  To make them fit, I purchased the spacers that are supposed to go in the Blendabilities holder for washi tape.  But I didn't like them there.  So I moved them and I do like this!  YAY!  The last two items are the Blendabilities holder (but since that product line is discontinued- sad face- it now has aquapainters filled with Dyan's sprays) and the half shelf on top of the punches.  I also have a three shelf stamp shelf and another half shelf on the other side of the room.  But these were the most exciting.  Well, to me anyway!  :)  Windows?  Who needs windows?!?  I gots me a wall of punches and ink to look at!  yay!  Here is a closer-up of the mini distress pads...
Room for expansion!  (or to store the new colors in big pads until they come out with the minis...heh.)  I am pretty sure that the tins on the top will be replaced with another 48 distress pad holder, but hubby was already frowning about the two orders I placed, so give it another month...  :)  And Stamp-n-storage has free shipping too!  Yay and woot!  Plus a lot of other storage options, so if you need storage go check them out- reasonably priced and very high quality.  Hope that helps anyone in need of storage options!  :)  I really need to see if I can work for them, right?  heh.  :)  Thanks for stopping by, let me know what you think!

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