Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WOYWW 104!

Happy second anniversary WOYWWers!  Okay, so it's not technically my desk, but it is in my workspace, so that counts yes?  Anyway, I'm pleased as punch (no,no, not to BE punched) with my new clip it up.  It is awesome for my spellbinders.  And I couldn't show you the actual desk, 'cause the pressie is sitting there anxiously awaiting to find out where it's new home will be.  I think I'm going to have to get the stuff to make me one like it, 'cause I really like it and don't want it to leave.  Ah well, all our children have to leave the nest sometime, no?  And thinking back on this momentous occasion, my first post wasn't even on my own blog, because I hadn't gotten that brave yet, the ever kind and lovely Julia graciously allowed me to e-mail her my stuff so she could post it on her blog.  It only took me a few times to realize that trying it that way (that darn time difference!) was way too complicated, so I finally decided to jump in, be all brave and grown up even and start my own blog.  And it's all thanks to Julia the Queen of the Desks.  So huzzah and thrice for Queen Julia!  And happy WOYWW second anniversary to all!  (click here if you have no idea what all the WOYWW kerfluffle is about)


  1. That is a brilliant piece of storage kit, what a good idea.

  2. Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Happy crafting.
    A x

  3. Oh a clippy, twirly thingy. Lucky you. Enjoy it along with this special 2nd woyww anniversary.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  4. love that bit of kit! happy woyww anniversary.

  5. yes I can see a clip it up is perfect for you,

    i have visions of what would happen If I had one - not a pretty sight,

    happy 104,


  6. Thats a lovely way of hanging storage ~ Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  7. Now I never ever needed one for storing stickers..but you'e put in my mind about the me your addy Becky will ya - I'm th emagical Pif passer on person today, sorry it's taken me till today to reach ya.

  8. Now that is some SPECIAL kind of storage!!! Have a great week and I hope all goes to where it should

  9. I’m making a really big effort to get around everyone seeing as it’s a special week. Mind you it’s taking forever and I have a bit of a numb bum now so It’ll be back to my random visits next week I think. I just don’t know how some people manage it every week.

    Ooo, don’t think I’ve see a two tiered hanging thingy before, how fab is that. It looks great on your desk!

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  10. Love that stand ...I'm sitting here thinking about all the uses I could have for it.I remember you starting with us.

  11. Oooo thats an interesting bit of kit!

    Happy 104th week to you, its so lovely to 'meet' you by way of WOYWW Hope to see you for many more Wednesdays

    Happy Days

    Nicks xx

  12. Eeeeeekkk! way to organised for me!
    Happy #2 WOYWW anniversary xxx

  13. Clip it up is Wonderful!! and yes it counts if its in your space.
    Keep smiling and creating

  14. now that's a clever way to store your spellbinders. Quite handy I imagine.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Sheena #85

  15. I love my clip it up and know you will too! It holds oh so much goodness and fun! Sorry I am so late getting around but it was a busy week. Happy WOYWW #104 and the 2nd anniversary of blog snooping! Thanks for sharing Vickie #55

  16. Happy WOYWW I'm a litle late this week. Hugs Pam x

  17. Great idea for the clip it up and congrats on starting your own blog. #100


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