Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WOYWW 94... actual stuff! in use even!

To start the tour of our in progress, yes I'm actually making something desk, please look to your left (no,in the picture, silly!) and you will see: a brad box, a stamp-a-ma-jig, some backing paper from foam tape, some used-it-but-didn't-like-it CS, two really cool flowers, some stamps that are unmounted and not put away (shame on me! whatcha bet they get lost...), some really cool background paper left over from the really cool flowers, a very used scratch paper, a marker, an adhesive eraser, a black stayz-on pad that is for some unknown reason upside down, a clear acrylic block, a bone folder, some scissors, and (whew!) an adhesive.  Wow.  Tons of stuff.  Oh yeah, there's a two stacks of finished cards back there on the lamp base.  Can't show the top stack yet 'cause it is for a challenge that I designed for some friends, and I can't show you the actual thing I'm working on 'cause it's for my Stamp Camp this weekend and I think it only fair that they get to see it first (well, really second 'cause I've already seen it... ha!) But I will show you the card that makes up the bottom stack on the lamp.  It is the cutest card that I stole, um, copied, um cardlifted?  from the very talented Wendy Weixler (whose last name I hope I've spelled correctly)  Click on her name to see some more of her stuff, it's rad.  And if you haven't joined in the fun yet, click here to be transported across the pond (without the hassle of airport security even!) to the Duchess of Desks, Julia Dunnit.  I leave you with my awesome card that I totally stole (well, let's just be honest shall we? umm it may be too late, I did after all already steal the card idea...) 
                   Have a fab tour of the desks! 
And didja notice that I have(once again)changed the name of the blog?  It might be the last time, but don't count on it!  :)


  1. your blog made me laugh! Love your stolen card - LOL Happy WOYWW - hugs - Caroline x

  2. Happy Thursday. I'm just doing a very quick blog dash to make sure all our WOYWW friends get the heads up on the BIG celebration draw over in our blog shop. Please excuse this copied and pasted message but it's the only way I can get round you all this week. If you check out my blog you will see what's keeping me busy :-)

    Shop draw

    Good luck,
    A x

  3. Terrific card . . . are you in cuffs yet?
    Hugs, Sandra #14

  4. That underlay paper you've used for stamping looks lovely and bright. I've seen blogs where people keep their stamping underlay until it's completely covered and then create something with it. Have you seen that???
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (32) xx

  5. Love your cupcake card, even if you pinched the idea :) Entertaining post too. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #27

  6. Stolen or not it's a great card. At least your honest!

  7. Oh Becky, you’ve so made me smile!

    Your desk looks like it’s been in good use over the last few days with all those finished cards piled up at the back there.

    Thanks for sharing on WOYWW.

  8. Very nice card. YOur desk looks very creative. I have saved well used scratch paper and cut it up and used as backing as a card mat cause it is so pretty! Sorry I am late getting around but had a lot of doctors appointments and life issues this week! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162


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